I've always loved this song :D
Along with it's remixes :D
You've really done a great job here.
It starts out really nice, the synths that do the main melody are kinda awkward, but I still liked it somehow. I love how you introduced with those plucks, that was great.
Great use of crashkicks. I liked how you gave the melody a little twist, and it's great that you made a second voice, you don't hear that much in remixes from this song.
Great transition at 1:30. The fade out synth is often something you don't hear in songs on NG, because appearantly people are too lazy to put a few notes in along with a filter, it's nice you did that :D
Good use of hihats, didn't sound standard and cheesy at all, I liked your kick, it had a really nice sound, your claps were nice and subtle as well.
Your synths weren't some overused synths you hear everyday, I liked that about them, apart from the fact that they just sounded good :P
You've done some good mastering on the velocities, it's great to hear good balance in volumes.
Your melodies are really nice, dancey and not too cheesy.
I really liked your outro, it was soothing, slightly awkward and really unique, really well chosen.
Anyway, you did a great job on the song, It's the best remix I've heard of it so far (and believe me, I've heard a lot :P)
Keep it up man, looking forward to hearing more of you!